FUN · Nature · PETS · SUNNY · WORK

Sunshine and a trip to the garden centre

Today was a lovely sunny day – at last! Despite a late start (my fault) Kevin hoisted me into the car and we set off to the Whitehall garden centre at Lacock, just past Chippenham. It was my first day out for ages and despite the rather bumpy terrain and sloping arrangement we made it to a different (i.e. not local) garden centre and bought a lovely purple and yellow Lupin (my choice) to pot in the garden and a black, wide leaved grass (Kevin’s choice) to replace the bluegrass that I chose last year and which is now looking a bit bedraggled. We also managed to get some mint and thyme herbs for Kevin to plant in our wooden herb garden arrangement.

It was lovely to just sit in the sunshine and we also took the opportunity to have a tea, chai spiced latte and a couple of portions of cake – just to make a day of it. We quickly popped in to get some foodstuffs on our return to Swindon and came home to find Charlie just rolling around on the paving slabs in the garden. I now have no excuse not to get my head down and do the work that is awaiting me – maybe tomorrow!

Bloganuary · CHALLENGES · FAMILY · FESTIVALS · HEALTH · HOLIDAYS · HOUSE · Multiple Sclerosis · Nature

Where can you reduce clutter in your life?

Let’s start with the “physical” clutter and by that I mean all the medical aids that have been provided and/or bought yet no longer required.

I am fortunate enough to live in a house with large rooms, but that has the disadvantage that the medical professionals with whom I interact and to have (with the best of intentions) provided me with lots of pieces of equipment. Some I use almost every day, but others just sit in a corner with no way to return them easily, as they have no identifiable labels giving details of who it was that provided them.

There are also the eBay purchases that I just can’t get rid of no matter how hard I try – Freecycle, eBay etc.

  • The motorised wheelchair that is just too small for me and came as an added extra with the electric stair climber that is still in use for my parents house in France where there are both stairs to get into the house and internal stairs.
  • The manual standing frame that I bought of eBay to try and practice standing, but is hard to operate/quite uncomfortable and since the purchase of my standing wheelchair just before Christmas is simply no longer required.
  • The lightweight wheelchair that I bought years ago and sits in our shed. At the time it was great, but it doesn’t fold easily and again is simply not required any more.

I could go on, but I think that is quite enough for the physical objects!

To expand the concept there is also the “mental” clutter that is part and parcel of my condition. The sudden depression and uncontrollable crying and feeling useless – but I don’t want to dwell on that as it is self-perpetuating!

Considering my limitations I shouldn’t really complain about my life, because I have been very lucky and still enjoy an awful lot of opportunities that I have. Going to festivals, visiting relatives both in England and France and (although I haven’t done it for a long time) having the opportunity to get out and visit the local Arboretum.

So, let’s just put on a happy face and smile, smile, smile.


8. What are your thoughts on the concept of living a very long life?

I think that this question hinges on your quality of life. Personally, a fulfilling happy life is preferable to a long, miserable existence. Of course the best option is a long, fulfilling and happy life BUT if I had to choose between the quality of my life versus its length – the former would always come out on top.

Paintbrush and paints with framed 3D word JOY in limegreen, dark green and red
Photo by Bekka Mongeau on

However, my perspective is definitely skewed because I have been fortunate enough to live over half my life already with the first third being fantastic and the later stages being harder but still with room for enjoyment although somewhat curtailed.

If the tables had been reversed and my existence was hard and joyless then I don’t think that I would want my life to be long and drawn out, particularly if I was in pain or depressed. No, a short but gleeful life like that of a soaring bird or fluttering butterfly would be my preference.

Bloganuary · CHALLENGES · HEALTH · Nature

7. What could you do differently?

What could I do differently? To what does this apply? The question is probably intentionally vague so that people can answer in lots of different ways. Thinking of myself, I don’t really think that there is anything that I could or would do differently and that is being honest.

Young lady in jumper and jeans sitting pondering with paper cup of drink in hands and a backdrop of see, clouds and a vauge outline of hills on the other side of a bay
Photo by Engin Akyurt on

I am lucky to have been given lots of encouragement and possibilities throughout my life, although somewhat tempered in my latter years due to my deterioration in health and the need to use a wheelchair. However, I do value the advice and chances that have been provided to me and wherever possible I try to encourage the younger generation to achieve their full potential.

Fortunately, I have no children and I do not envy those that have only just started their lives. On a global scale things seem to be slowly slipping ever downwards and I only hope that the next generations are able to correct or at least manage the world that we are passing onto them. I am increasingly depressed and disillusioned, but occasionally there is a spark from some younger people that inspire me with a little hope.

Bloganuary · CHALLENGES · Nature

6. If you had a freeway billboard, what would it say?

Sorry, but this will be short and sweet from me – I would not have a “freeway billboard”. My reasoning: I hate the distraction of billboards particularly on the motorway/freeway. It’s a waste of resources, distracting to the driver and covers up the roadway nature that I would much prefer to see instead.

I have seen other posts saying things like “relax” and “take a break”, but in the UK these are the types of notices that are already displayed on all our motorways.

Trees with coloured leaves