New Year – New Start (2024)

I decided to allow my other paid WordPress plan “memory-jar” revert to a free plan this morning. I can’t keep up with a regular blog and so a paid plan is just a waste of money. Instead, I have decided to use “bibbysmith” as a general record of what’s happening in my life (albeit it will be hit and miss when I post) & “memory-jar” as a place to record memories from my past (again I won’t set myself a target date for regular posts).

The only paid WordPress plan that I retain will be for my business venture – Mayfin IP. I’ll use this site to post work-related updates (when work allows).

FUN · Nature · PETS · SUNNY · WORK

Sunshine and a trip to the garden centre

Today was a lovely sunny day – at last! Despite a late start (my fault) Kevin hoisted me into the car and we set off to the Whitehall garden centre at Lacock, just past Chippenham. It was my first day out for ages and despite the rather bumpy terrain and sloping arrangement we made it to a different (i.e. not local) garden centre and bought a lovely purple and yellow Lupin (my choice) to pot in the garden and a black, wide leaved grass (Kevin’s choice) to replace the bluegrass that I chose last year and which is now looking a bit bedraggled. We also managed to get some mint and thyme herbs for Kevin to plant in our wooden herb garden arrangement.

It was lovely to just sit in the sunshine and we also took the opportunity to have a tea, chai spiced latte and a couple of portions of cake – just to make a day of it. We quickly popped in to get some foodstuffs on our return to Swindon and came home to find Charlie just rolling around on the paving slabs in the garden. I now have no excuse not to get my head down and do the work that is awaiting me – maybe tomorrow!


So what’s been happening end February – March 2024?

Well not much good really!

My parents visited us at the end of February (21 Feb. – 4 Mar.), which went OK but was unfortunately interrupted at the end Feb./start March by a call from my medical insurance company asking lots of questions with no forewarning. This led to my dad (82) having to hold the phone by my ear as I desperately tried to look up information on my computer with him eventually saying that he needed to close the call so he could rest his arm. The person I have been dealing with had left end 2023 and the new lady, who seemed to know nothing about my case, just decided to ring to find out everything all over again! It was quite ridiculous and left me in floods of tears and quite distraught for at least a week thereafter, as I was left with the impression that I was trying to deceive them. I wrote an e-mail saying that I had been left very upset and asking that in future they should send me an e-mail before calling giving details of the information that they required.

In March I received an e-mail apologising for catching me unawares and saying that this was not their intention, but they would hold any March payment until I provided them with certain information which I did although having to wait until the end of the tax year before sending them my tax information. Since then, I have been told that they will pay my March payment as a gesture of goodwill but I needed to immediately send any details of earnings I expected to make in this tax year. I said that my earnings would be nothing if anything until late in the year as I had no new work nor any means of gaining new clients.

At the same time that all this was happening, I was informed by the new manager of the catheter clinic that we have been attending for many years that after my appointment at the end of January (not with my usual nurse) there had been a complaint that in transferring from my wheelchair to the plinth with the help of my partner this had been in breach of their health and safety procedure – there was no fall, just my partner having to help me to stand and rotate to sit on the plinth. This led to 2 rehabilitation therapists visiting our house to see whether I could stand using a “stand aid” (which I knew I couldn’t do you to my height and lack of upper body strength), but these stand aid was delivered regardless and once place or it even the 2 rehabilitation therapists realised that it would be no use in the catheter clinic as it wouldn’t fit under their plinths.

The latest is that we have been told that the catheter clinic is only intended for use by people who can stand up/walk – this has never been a requirement until now, but suddenly they seem to want to limit those who can make use of the facility. I have repeatedly explained (as has my ‘normal’ nurse) that reliance on district nurses who do not provide a specific time for their visit is useless for me, because I do try to carryout work online and often have videoconferences and/or webinars to attend.

Despite what they say, it seems that because I use a wheelchair I shouldn’t be working! Or rather I should be working because disabled people are just scroungers, but only when it suits.

So that is why I have been very quiet on WordPress and just getting on with things and only posting about books that I have read and/or listened to.

BOOKS · FESTIVALS · FUN · Literature · Science · WORK

“Unruly” by David Mitchell (audiobook)

U-tube video of David Mitchell talking to himself about the book “UNRULY”

As well as reading my Kindle book described on my WordPress ‘memory jar’ site (link provided below), I have also been listening to this audiobook which has the sub-title “A history of England’s Kings and Queens” – an unusual choice for me. As I am neither a lover of history nor particularly interested in Kings and Queens, you might ask why I made this choice. Simple – it’s the comedian David Mitchell, who is funny and this book was no exception! If only history had been taught in this compressed and amusing fashion with modern side notes and comments, I might have found it a bit more interesting. It also has the advantage that it is coming to a close just after Henry VIII, Elizabeth I and into the lead up to the Tudors and Stuarts.

Fortunately, my history education at school ended before the exams (O and A levels) at the Victorian era and I was never very good at it. I say fortunately because both the O’ level and A’ level syllabuses got STUCK in the Tudor and Stuart’s era that I found least interesting. So as soon as I could make a choice (at O’ level) I dropped history and instead focused on languages (French & German), maths and the sciences. Although, I was not too keen on English literature, the modern poetry aspects were interesting and although not enjoying the Shakespeare etc. at school I did get to read lots of French, German and Russian authors at home. OK, I liked to be contrary and do the stuff that others didn’t enjoy and I had lots of other interests like sports & amateur dramatics that I continued well into adulthood.

I was surprised by how many of the early names I recognised in my audiobook and just wish that my school memories of history lessons could have been a little more similar and fun to David Mitchell’s rendition! Aah well, maybe it also has something to do with the fact that I am older now and therefore have a wider experience and perspective by which to judge all the supposed “FACTS” that were rammed down our throats at school.



Bloganuary writing prompt
What’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it?

Since becoming ill, I seem to be scared of doing almost everything alone these days, except work because that can be done online from my home. Now that would be a major problem, if it weren’t for the fact that I use a wheelchair meaning that there is always someone (normally my partner) pushing me around.

Older man pushing lady in wheelchair side a pool in front of a hotel building
Photo by Rollz International on

And what would it take me to do things?

Well that is fairly obvious to anyone that knows me because …

  • I can be stubborn, but this also means that I am fairly determined.
  • Talking to people has never been a problem for me as I am very extrovert. Therefore, I would set about making contact with people who could help me do the things that I still enjoy. I might even employ a personal carer.
  • Suddenly, I would just have to start using buses, trains and if necessary taxis to get around.
  • Probably, stop my job because of all the things that need arranging. Oh, and maybe employ a professional chef to prepare my meals as I do like very good food.
Selection of food snacks
Photo by Nicola Barts on

So nothing is impossible, but it does remind me how much I rely on my partner. Some things would be much better, because much of my anxiety comes from not doing things that might upset my partner (who is an introvert, control freak and wants to do everything himself).

I’d really rather not consider the possibility, but what will be, will be and I will just adjust my life accordingly.

Female arm with thumb up on one hand against white glowing background
Photo by Donald Tong on

The cold

Bloganuary writing prompt
What do you complain about the most?

I never used to field cold most of the time, but now it is a standing joke that I am “a reptile”. Lots of people say that it is because I am in a wheelchair and therefore not moving about as much as normal BUT that just infuriates me, because it’s not like I never do anything as I tried to cycle on my indoor bike almost everyday and the people usually saying this are sitting down reading or doing a puzzle or similar at the time. I know lots of people in wheelchairs who are not cold all the time!

It’s not even as if I live in a particularly cold climate (it’s temperate) in southern England. Sure it’s not Mediterranean or continental, but I don’t live near the coast and so even living on an island I am as near as can be to a more central position in the southern part of my homeland. Unfortunately, I’d loved to visit Scandinavia and even take a boat trip to see the Northern Lights, but I don’t see that as my holiday destination any time soon!

Northern Light over landscape
Photo by stein egil liland on


Bloganuary writing prompt
What would you do if you won the lottery?

Why amazed? Well, I never play the lottery so winning it is even more improbable than the oft quoted sentence: “The odds show that your more likely to be struck by lightning than you ever are to win the lottery.”

The simple fact is that I’m just not interested in the lottery concept – it’s just boring!

But OK somehow I managed to win a lottery – so let’s put on my imaginary thinking hat. Many have said that they would choose to remain anonymous if possible to avoid all the attention and people asking for a share of your winnings. I agree that I would choose to remain anonymous to the general public. So now I have to think about what would I do with all that money? It’s actually not too hard for me to decide, because I would use a tactic that was used by old lady that I used to know who lived alone and was careful with her money. She decided that rather than die and just leave her money to her grandchildren in her will, she would rather give them her savings now and have them come to see her and tell her how they proposed to use the money – that way she got the pleasure of finding out all the good things that her money was able to provide.

So here is my list:

  • Put aside a fairly substantial amount for myself e.g. £100,000 – that should be enough to ensure that I could afford the expensive disability equipment that I require/would like (disability equipment is always so much more expensive than people expect). It may even mean that I could sell my house and afford either an already completely accessible and wheelchair friendly home or I could build something that specifically met my needs.
  • Approach my friends one by one (even those I haven’t seen for ages) and ask them to come and visit me, because I have a proposal for them – that is a very simple solution to the loneliness that I sometimes feel.
  • All those who do turn up, I would simply ask are there things that they really need and can’t afford. I’d want to know exactly what they were, so that I could reject the merely frivolous stuff.
  • Then depending upon their need and how much a financial boost would mean to them to achieve whatever they needed – I would give them the money with the sole proviso that they must come and either show me or tell me in some other way how my money has improved their life.
  • Any money leftover, I would then invest in my “pension pot” to be divided as per my “Last Will and Testament”.

This sounds a little “controlling”, but those that know me wouldn’t be offended because that is how I have always been! It would be nice to say that I would just leave the money to charities, but unfortunately I don’t believe that all charities spend the money they receive to benefit those for whom the charity was setup. So many seem to operate like large companies with large overheads & salaries for their senior staff.

So that’s what I would do with a mythical lottery win. I won’t waste any sleep over it though!

Bloganuary · CHALLENGES

An un-invention?

Bloganuary writing prompt
If you could un-invent something, what would it be?

I found this promt quite unhelpful – particularly seeing as it specifically asks for “something” that you would want to un-invent and yet invention is something that is inherent in us as a species. Now if the prompt was posed as: “If you could CHANGE something, what would it be?”, I expect that many of the answers would still be the same.

So, what would I change? My answer is not a “thing” but rather a state of empathy or feeling. I would like to change the disconnect that has occurred between peoples and their connection with nature and their surroundings. Our world seems to have descended into “US” and “THEM” with very little respect for those who don’t share our heritage or opinions. I would like this mentality to change and for everyone to listen to, discuss and learn from other’s experiences.

Don’t immediately be judgemental and instead if you do not agree with another’s point of view, try to enter into a reasonable discussion with them about why you don’t agree, be willing to change your mind and/or try to change their perspective. We are all different, have different experiences and there is so much that we could learn from one another to make the world a better place.


“Where have I felt loved?”

Bloganuary writing prompt
Can you share a positive example of where you’ve felt loved?

This will be a quick answer, because I can’t immediately think of “a positive example of where I’ve felt loved?”. At least not recently, as I am now more of a burden than someone that even I would love!

In my youth and even into my early 30s I have felt loved by my parents and my partner, but as I say, since I have gradually, slowly become ill and less able to do things – I feel rather more of a burden than someone who is “loved”. I had and still have lots of friends, but I don’t think that “love” is really a term applicable to friends.

Bloganuary · CHALLENGES · FAMILY · FESTIVALS · HEALTH · HOLIDAYS · HOUSE · Multiple Sclerosis · Nature

Where can you reduce clutter in your life?

Let’s start with the “physical” clutter and by that I mean all the medical aids that have been provided and/or bought yet no longer required.

I am fortunate enough to live in a house with large rooms, but that has the disadvantage that the medical professionals with whom I interact and to have (with the best of intentions) provided me with lots of pieces of equipment. Some I use almost every day, but others just sit in a corner with no way to return them easily, as they have no identifiable labels giving details of who it was that provided them.

There are also the eBay purchases that I just can’t get rid of no matter how hard I try – Freecycle, eBay etc.

  • The motorised wheelchair that is just too small for me and came as an added extra with the electric stair climber that is still in use for my parents house in France where there are both stairs to get into the house and internal stairs.
  • The manual standing frame that I bought of eBay to try and practice standing, but is hard to operate/quite uncomfortable and since the purchase of my standing wheelchair just before Christmas is simply no longer required.
  • The lightweight wheelchair that I bought years ago and sits in our shed. At the time it was great, but it doesn’t fold easily and again is simply not required any more.

I could go on, but I think that is quite enough for the physical objects!

To expand the concept there is also the “mental” clutter that is part and parcel of my condition. The sudden depression and uncontrollable crying and feeling useless – but I don’t want to dwell on that as it is self-perpetuating!

Considering my limitations I shouldn’t really complain about my life, because I have been very lucky and still enjoy an awful lot of opportunities that I have. Going to festivals, visiting relatives both in England and France and (although I haven’t done it for a long time) having the opportunity to get out and visit the local Arboretum.

So, let’s just put on a happy face and smile, smile, smile.